???? Demonstrated effectiveness in humans of a French vaccine against lung cancer

2023-09-13 06:00:04

A French company has just announced its promising results in the development of a vaccine against lung cancer. The results of the phase III clinical trial on humans were published this Monday in the journal Annals of Oncology.
Image d’illustration Pixabay

Lung cancer (The lung is an invaginated organ allowing the exchange of vital gases, in particular…) is the third most common cancer and the leading cause of death from cancer in France. 52,777 new cases are estimated for the year 2023 (33,438 men and 19,339 women). Faced with these constantly changing figures, the Nantes start-up (The Nantaise is a French breed of cattle.) “Ose (Oses (or monosaccharides) are the monomers of carbohydrates. They are not hydrolysable….) Immunotherapeutics” , has just announced having succeeded in developing a new vaccine called “Tedopi” which presents an unprecedented rate of effectiveness. The trials involved 219 patients in 9 European countries as well as the United States, and were compared to patients treated with chemotherapy (Chemotherapy is the use of certain chemical substances to treat an illness….). Result: more than 44% of patients were still alive (Life is the name given 🙂 one year after starting this new treatment, while the survival rate was only 27.5% among patients who followed chemotherapy. Furthermore, it was found that vaccinated patients presented much fewer severe adverse effects: the rate increased from 68 % with chemotherapy to 38% with the vaccine.

Concretely, it is more of a treatment than a vaccine, but its operation is comparable since it consists of presenting antigens resembling the proteins contained in tumors, in order to educate the immune system to recognize and specifically destroy tumor cells. This treatment is administered initially every three weeks, then less spaced out over the months (The month (From lat. mensis “ month”, and formerly in the plural “menses”) is a period of time…). It should be noted, however, that it is only effective in patients with the HLA-A2 gene, i.e. half of the population.

These promising results are encouraging and provide new hope for the many patients suffering from this cancer. In the same vein, we recently informed you of the development of a messenger RNA vaccine against pancreatic cancer: link.

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