11 minutes a day of physical activity would prevent 1 in 10 premature deaths

To be fit, move. For example, just over 10 minutes a day of brisk walking would reduce the risk of early death.

The more you exercise, the lower the risk of developing anything

A study by researchers at the University of Cambridge shows that moving only 11 minutes each day would limit the risk of dying prematurely (1 in 10 premature deaths could be avoided).

Whatever the activity, the main thing is to move

Scientists studied data from 30 million people before coming to this result. Published in the ‘British Journal Of Sports Medicine’, the study advises doing at least 10 minutes of physical activity every day, this can be brisk walking, yoga, cycling, swimming, a little fitness but the main thing is to move.

Speed ​​up your heart rate

Scientists point out that speeding up your heart rate is the main measure to reduce the risk of premature death. Better, it will also reduce the risk of cancer by 7% and the risk of cardiovascular disease by 17% (compared to adults who do no physical exercise).

You don’t have to be a great athlete to see health benefits

Are you motivated? If you exercise 10 minutes more (21 minutes a day), your risk of dying prematurely will be reduced by 31%. To summarize the results of this study, the more you exercise, the more the risk of developing anything decreases.

Let’s remember that 2 out of 3 people do less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, but let’s also remember this: you don’t have to be a great athlete to see health benefits from activity. physical.

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