3 drinks that cause high blood sugar .. know the healthy way to eat them

We often think about what we eat for our physical health, but what we drink can be a tricky way to increase calories and added sugars too, drinking calories can raise blood sugar quickly, often lacking Drinks To protein and fiber, two essential nutrients that slow the rise in blood sugar, focus on these simple habits when it comes to the drinks of your choice. eatthis“.

1- Eat breakfast before coffee:

Coffee alone may increase stress hormones in the body. Stress hormones can lead to a spike in blood sugar as the body feels that we suddenly need energy due to increased stress. The caffeine in morning coffee is a stimulant and increases blood sugar. It can delay a healthy breakfast. How quickly the body processes caffeine, having a balanced breakfast first, followed by coffee if you enjoy it, allows your body to digest and absorb the fuel from your food and thus, does not increase the pressure on the body to produce its own fuel in the form of blood sugar.

2- Check for added sugars:

Look for hydrating options that have less added sugars Many companies have made an effort to reduce added sugars to their products after years of consumers demanding healthier options Added sugars give quick energy but can lead to a quick crash Aim for less than 25 grams of added sugar by choosing sparkling or flavored water.

3- Sugary drinks:

High blood sugar causes dehydration. Stay hydrated throughout the day to help avoid the rush to buy sugary drinks to quench your thirst. Drinking enough water actually lowers blood sugar in your bloodstream and can naturally reduce high glucose..

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