5 characteristics of emotional intelligence that you can apply to your life

One of the most discussed topics in psychology is that of emotional intelligence. The management of emotions is always a complicated issue and it takes a lot of strength and courage to handle from the simplest to the most complicated situations.

This is how the specialized portal Psychology and Mind defines this concept: “It is a construct that helps us understand how we can influence both our emotions and our interpretation of the emotional states of others in an adaptive and intelligent way.”

Characteristics that define emotional intelligence

– It is about knowing our feelings and emotions and how they influence our behavior, our actions.

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– Emotional intelligence also allows us to reflect on emotions, to reach a point of self-control or self-regulation of them.

– By knowing how to manage feelings, emotions and self-regulate them, we can move on to a stage of self-motivation that provides greater energy and optimism.

– Empathy with the emotions of others is also a characteristic of emotional intelligence.

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Signs of high emotional intelligence

On Instagram, in the profile @thebraincoach, they shared several signs that help identify high emotional intelligence:

you are aware of yourself

This means that you know how your emotions and what you feel affect others. In addition to your emotions, you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, improving how you face challenges.

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You regulate your emotions well

Regulating your emotions involves keeping your emotions and your behavior under control, according to the situation that arises. It means that you have the tools to calm your nervous system when you are upset or that you are able to face a frustrating experience without losing your calm or reason.

you are focused

People with high emotional intelligence know what motivates them, so they work directly toward their goals. They know why they are doing what they are doing and they also know how to motivate those around them towards a common goal.

They can empathize with others

Managing relationships is crucial to self-managing emotional intelligence. Although you don’t have to be the best counselor, you can help others through difficult situations by actively listening and being there for them.

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