6 things you can do to prevent sleep apnea

Sleep disturbances can be particularly problematic because they can lead to health complications. People with certain types of sleep disorders are usually unaware of their condition until some severity has occurred.
Disrupted sleep can affect mental health and immune function in the body.
Sleep apnea is a condition that makes you gasp for oxygen and wakes you suddenly. People with sleep apnea have shortness of breath and similar problems. This disorder may sound like snoring, so patients do not realize that they have stopped breathing; Which could threaten their lives. In order to shed more light on this condition and treatment methods, the specialized medical website “onlymyheath” published a detailed report on this and how to control it and relieve its symptoms.

Is sleep apnea dangerous?
In most cases, people with sleep apnea do not have early complications. But there’s always a risk of health and serious problems with sleep apnea. This is also due to the fact that the symptoms of sleep apnea are not obvious and thus are left untreated.
Here are some of the potential risks of developing obstructive sleep apnea:
Can lead to mental health disorders
Leads to impaired immune response and function effectiveness
– Increases the risk of heart failure
The risk of memory loss increases in the elderly.

Lifestyle treatments for sleep apnea
Treatment for sleep apnea includes wearing a CPAP mask at night. This helps to regulate the flow of oxygen in the body but is quite uncomfortable. The mask is connected to a device, and because of that you cannot change your sleeping position. To avoid the mask, here are some lifestyle remedies that can be effective in reducing symptoms of sleep apnea.

1. Weight loss can be the key
Doctors working for sleep apnea recommend that people with this sleep disorder need to lose weight. This is necessary because obesity can reduce the flow of air in and out of the body. Airflow obstruction is one of the main causes of sleep apnea, so losing weight can reduce your risk of developing a sleep disorder. Losing weight can help reduce your risk of sudden breathlessness that causes heart failure and other serious problems.
Obese people need to eat a balanced diet and exercise to reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. Weight loss in adults can prevent upper respiratory surgery and even the use of CPAP for several years. It can be argued that weight loss may be directly proportional to the treatment of sleep apnea.

2. Yoga can increase oxygen intake
Yoga can help you clear the airways and improve the flow of oxygen in the body. Yoga exercises are helpful ways to strengthen your heart and improve sleep apnea. It can have a positive effect on your breathing and encourage the flow of oxygen. Yoga contains many exercises and poses, some of which can be incorporated into your daily routine.
Sleep apnea problems are associated with shortness of breath and a reduced flow of oxygen in the blood. Yoga helps relieve stress and lift the nerves that provide better blood flow in the body. It can also help reduce snoring and gasping for oxygen at night.

3. Changing the sleeping position
One of the causes of increased air embolism can be the wrong sleeping position or incorrect sleeping position. Whereas, people who sleep on their backs have worse symptoms, according to a 2006 study published by Springer Link, adults who sleep on their sides have fewer problems and symptoms with obstructive sleep apnea.
However this is the opposite for children with this problem, they can sleep better on their back. Hence, your sleeping position can determine the severity of symptoms on your body. You can prevent the problem by changing your sleeping position during sleep apnea.

4. Hydration for sleep apnea
Many doctors have begun to recommend humidifiers for people with mild symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Humidifiers are devices that increase humidity in the environment that can help patients with this sleep disorder. Dry air often irritates your body and thus can cause respiratory problems. These devices can be useful to increase the better flow of oxygen into the air passage.
You can also add essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint to increase the benefits on the lungs. These are anti-inflammatory essential oils that have various benefits.

5. Avoid alcohol or smoking
Certain lifestyle and habits changes can make a big leap in preventing sleep apnea complications. We all know that smoking and alcohol consumption can affect your lungs and may cause health complications, especially in the case of sleep apnea. Alcohol consumption actually affects the throat muscles that control your breathing, and this causes snoring and disrupts the sleep cycle.
Alcohol and smoking can cause airway inflammation and may cause airways to swell. It can worsen snoring and increase your risk of heart failure or stroke. Quitting these habits can also help you reduce your risk and, in some cases, treat sleep apnea.

6. Use of oral applications
Oral appliances are some devices that hold your tongue or jaw. There are applications or devices that can help with problems such as sleep apnea by correcting the position of the jaw or tongue. It helps create better airflow for oxygen consumption which prevents risk factors for sleep apnea. Symptoms of sleep disturbances such as these can also be supported with oral appliances.
These devices are divided into two parts, one is the mandibular advancement device and the other is the tongue stabilization device. It works in such a way that neither your lower jaw nor your tongue causes any kind of obstruction to the airflow in the throat, thus preventing oxygen blockage in the body. It also reduces breathing problems during the night. You can use these devices with the advice of a doctor as can be installed by a dentist.

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