“7 Effective Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Obstructive Sleep Apnea”

2023-04-22 01:00:00

Written by Mervat Rashad

Saturday, April 22, 2023 03:00 AM

If your upper airway is partially or completely blocked while you are sleeping, it may mean that you have an infection Obstructive sleep apneaTo widen the airway and draw air into your lungs, you have to work harder in your diaphragm and chest muscles, but you likely won’t be aware of it, meaning having undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea can be disastrous for your health. Here are some of these tips and changes in The lifestyle you might take to overcome obstructive sleep apnea “doctor.ndtv”.

Lifestyle changes to reduce snoring and improve sleep quality:

1. Changing sleeping positions

Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue and soft palate to collapse into the back of your throat and narrow your airway, which can lead to snoring. Try sleeping on your side or stomach instead to reduce snoring..

2. Lose weight

Carrying extra weight, especially around the neck and throat area, can put pressure on the airway and cause snoring. Losing weight can help reduce snoring and improve overall health..

3. Quit smoking

Smoking irritates the airways, causing inflammation and narrowing, which can lead to snoring. Quitting smoking can help reduce inflammation, improve breathing, and reduce snoring..

4. Avoid tranquilizers

Sedatives and sleeping pills can relax throat muscles, making snoring worse. Avoid these substances before bed to improve sleep quality..

5. Keep the nasal passages clean

Nasal congestion can cause breathing difficulties during sleep and increase the likelihood of snoring. Use nasal decongestants to keep nasal passages clear, reduce snoring, and improve breathing..

6. Practice good sleep habits

Stick to a regular sleep schedule, follow a relaxing bedtime routine, and create a comfortable sleep environment. Good sleep hygiene can help reduce snoring and improve sleep quality..

7. Change your pillows regularly

Dust mites that often accumulate on pillows can also be another reason behind snoring. Additionally, allowing pets on the bed can also lead to inhalation of animal dander which is a common irritant. Make sure to put pillows on the air pillow cycle once or twice a year. week or change it twice a year.

#effective #tips #stop #snoring

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