7 Foods to Increase Platelets – 2024-04-18 05:37:34

The following is a list of food sources that can, to a certain extent, help increase platelets. (Freepik)

THROMBOCYTES are blood cells whose main function is to support the blood clotting process. In the medical world, a low platelet count is called thrombocytopenia.

Platelets can last for 10 days, before the bone marrow returns to producing new platelets.

When we are injured, platelets will make the blood stickier and clot, thereby stopping blood flow.

At the same time, platelets stimulate proteins in the blood to produce fibrin, which functions to strengthen wound obstruction. Platelets have an important role, if they are not present, the blood clotting process will be disrupted and cause bleeding.

Each person’s platelet levels are different, depending on age and gender. Normal platelet levels in women are in the range of 157,000-371,000 mcL, while in men it is 135,000-317,000 mcL.

Normal platelet levels in children are 250,000-450,000 mcL. Elderly people over 60 years also have a different range of normal platelet levels, namely 165,000 – 355,000 mcL and will decrease with age.

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If your platelet count is low, there are several food sources that can help increase your platelet count naturally.

Below is a list of food sources that to some extent can help increase platelets:

1. Milk

Milk contains calcium and protein which are important in maintaining the strength of the body’s bones and muscles. Apart from that, milk also contains vitamin K which plays a role in blood clotting in the body. Regular consumption of milk is believed to increase the number of platelets in the blood.

2. Green Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are a good source of folate (vitamin B9). These nutrients are necessary not only for platelet production, but also for the production of red and white blood cells. Other green leafy vegetables that are good for increasing platelets include mustard greens, parsley, basil, celery, asparagus and watercress.

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3. Papaya

Papaya fruit is rich in vitamin A, minerals and other nutrients that help the formation of new platelet cells in the bone marrow. Apart from the fruit, papaya leaves can help increase the number of blood platelets and improve their function in the body because they contain acetogenin and iron which play a role in encouraging platelet formation.

4. Whole grains

Grains such as quinoa, whole wheat, and brown rice contain vitamin B6 (folate) and iron, which support blood health and help increase platelet counts.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C and folic acid which play a role in the formation of blood cells. In addition, pomegranates are rich in iron, which helps increase blood cell count significantly. Therefore, pomegranates are one of the best foods to increase platelet count.

6. Good

Pumpkin is another best food with extraordinary properties in increasing platelet count. The reason is, it contains vitamin A which can increase the number of platelets produced by the bone marrow.

7. Nuts

Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, pistachios and walnuts contain vitamin K, fibrinogen and vitamin D. These nutrients support optimal absorption of calcium in the body and help increase the number of platelets in the blood. Nuts are also a healthy snack that has a positive impact on blood health. (Z-3)

#Foods #Increase #Platelets

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