9 years ago, Pugacheva and Galkin admitted that they did not want to work

TV presenter Kira Proshutinskaya told how she visited Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin about 9 years ago in their castle in the village of Gryaz. She did not have a drop of doubt that love and absolute harmony reigned between them.

Pugacheva admitted to Proshutinskaya that she enjoys her peace near her husband and for the first time feels like behind a stone wall. She explains the secret of her beauty and youth by the fact that she is incredibly comfortable next to her husband.

Kira Proshutinskaya decided for some reason to ask Maxim Galkin if he wants to work. “No,” the comedian replied confidently. Then the presenter decided to clarify, does he really not want to compose, play, create, because he is an artist. She was answered by Galkin and Pugacheva in chorus: “No! We feel so good.” Alla said that she does not miss the stage at all.

According to Proshutinskaya, she even envied the harmony that she saw between the spouses.

Source: MK.ru.

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