90s Legendary Toys: A Nostalgic Collection of Classic Games and Gadgets

2023-11-17 12:19:36
Collection of legendary toys Going back to the past that many adults must miss. Before the internet boom, what did 90s kids play with? Today is an era where the internet and technology play a huge role. Plus, people are becoming more addicted to social media and screens. Makes many people think back to the days of the 90s, before the internet developed. We can be happy with a simple game and it will capture our hearts forever. Let’s see what toys are available? Advertisement – Continue reading the article below. 1. Tamagotchi The most popular electronic pet game We have to take care of the pet from birth, feeding and playing with the pet. But you have to be careful. If the pet is not cared for and cared for, it may die. It is considered a fun animal raising game that can relieve boredom quite a bit. Advertisement – Continue reading the article below. Tamagotchi 2. Water hoop shooting game. Hoop pressing game. Water, a very simple and enjoyable game. Just keep pressing the left and right buttons to get as many hoops on the poles as possible. Besides for fun It also helps practice meditation. You can also train your wrists. Advertisement – Continue reading the article below. Water hoop shooting game 3. Game Boy, a toy that gamers in the 90s must know, a very sleek portable game console. Can change game cartridges Anyone who had a Game Boy in that era was considered extremely cool, and it’s still famous today. Because both Game Boy and game cartridges Still in demand by collectors, Game Boy 4. Yugi cards are another big hit. which is both a game and a collectible Plus there are many ways to play. Some brought it to compete to measure their strength. Some play card games. Anyone who has a rare card with a lot of power points will be popular. And it is in demand among Yuki card friends. 5. Tetris Brick game, a brick-building game or a puzzle pressing game. I believe that many children must have definitely had a Tetris Brick portable game machine because it is considered one of the legendary games that cure boredom. Got quite a bit. Currently, the brick-building game format is still popular. It may just be developed to be a game on smartphones instead of Tetris Brick6. Popular toys for girls in the 90s. Affordable price. Beautiful colors. Plus, it’s easy to buy. Children often sit around and play dice during their lunch break. Sometimes there will be competitions in various levels. Whoever wins can take the other team’s pieces. 7. Paper dolls are another classic toy that girls must have. It is a simple game in which we can dress up, put clothes, and accessories on paper dolls. Mostly used for role playing. Get your name ready. Relieve loneliness very well. Paper dolls 8. Yo-yo or plumb bob, a toy that looks like a wheel or a spinning disk, 2 pieces joined together and has an axis in the middle, with 1 rope attached to the center axis. You have to use a rope to control it in different directions, which is not only fun. Anyone who plays well is also considered to be the coolest person. Yoyo 9. Luk Kaew Another popular game for boys that is easy to play, just take turns bouncing the marbles back and forth. Compete to see who can be accurate. Shoot into the hole first. If anyone wins, they can take the crystal ball from the other side as their own. 10. Rubber jump. It’s something that’s easy to buy. Or you can steal mom’s rubber bands. Just string it into a long line. Then invite your friends to jump over the rubber bands to form different levels or mothers according to the height. It is another legendary toy that is still popular to play with. Rubber bands for anyone who reads and thinks back to the days of the 90s can go see the event “ FEED RETRO Music & Food Fest” #90s not long ago on 24-26 November at Museum Siam. This event is free to enter. Plus there’s food. There are many collectibles for sale.
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