towards a “bivalent” vaccine from Moderna?

“We recently announced the development of a bivalent vaccine candidate, which combines the Wuhan wild strain with the Omicron variant.” This Wednesday, March 2, Sandra Fournier, general manager of Moderna France – which has already distributed 24 million doses of vaccine once morest Covid-19 in France – reacted to the arrival of the Deltacron variant in France on BFM Business.

On Monday February 28, Public Health France revealed, in its latest risk analysis on emerging variants, that ten suspicious sequences had been detected as of February 21 while “additional analyzes are underway to confirm these results”. These sequences would correspond to the Deltacron varianta recombination of the Delta and Omicron variants.

Moderna announces that it has “characterized” Deltacron. “The specificity of our messenger RNA platform is to be able to react extremely quickly and to be able to adapt our candidate vaccines constantly”, declared Sandra Fournier. Currently, the laboratory is developing 44 candidate vaccines, to fight once morest Covid-19 but also other diseases such as HIV.

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