According to a poll, the N-VA once again becomes the first party in Flanders, the PTB is still rising in Wallonia

With 23.4% (+1.8 points compared to last December) of voting intentions, the Flemish nationalists are back ahead of the Vlaams Belang (22.2%, -2.3) for the first time since the 2019 elections. Behind, we find, stable, Vooruit (14.2%), the CD&V (11.3%), the Open Vld which falls below the 10% mark (9.8%), the PVDA (8.9 %) and Green (8.4%). In Wallonia, the PS, down, remains the leading party with 22.4% of voting intentions (-2.5). The MR, also down, remains second (20.4%, -1.9), followed by a PTB which confirms its progress (19.7%, +1.5). Ecolo remained stable (15%, -0.5), while Engagés, ex-cdH (9.5%, +1.5) progressed. DéFI moves away from the eligibility threshold of 5% in the south of the country (3.7%, -0.5).

The situation between Wallonia and Brussels seems to be increasingly different. In the capital, it is still Ecolo-Groen which is in the lead (20.3%, +1) ahead of a sharply rising MR (19.9%, +2.5). Behind, the PTB moved into third place (16.4%, +1.3) ahead of a PS still struggling in the capital (15.1%, stable). DéFI remains the fifth party (10.8%, -0.5) while Les Engagés falls below the 5% mark (4.9%, -0.3).

As for personalities, Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmès (MR) is the most popular in Wallonia, ahead of Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) and PS President Paul Magnette. These three personalities also appear on the Brussels podium, with Alexander De Croo ahead of Sophie Wilmès and Paul Magnette here.

In Flanders, the Prime Minister is also the most popular personality, while his party, the Open Vld does not benefit from this. He is ahead of Vooruit president Conner Rousseau and N-VA president Bart De Wever.

The poll was conducted following the Russian military invaded Ukraine and decided to extend two nuclear reactors beyond 2025.



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