If you don’t cry when you’re sad, is it ‘dry eye syndrome’?

Pixar Bay

Some people shed a lot of tears when they watch a sad movie, but others rarely cry. No matter how sad a situation is, if you fall into the category of not shed tears, everyone must have thought at least once whether the cause is ‘dry eye syndrome’. If so, can it be called ‘dry eye syndrome’ if you don’t shed tears when you’re sad?

Types of tears can be broadly classified into three categories. ▲’Basic tears’ that keep the eyeball moist and provide oxygen and nutrients to the cornea to protect it from infection ▲’Reflex tears’ that come out to protect the eyes when the eyes are irritated ▲’Emotions’ tears’. However, dry eye syndrome is a crack in the tear component, which is the basic tear, and has nothing to do with tears that come out when you are sad.

But tears of any kind are necessary. Tears while watching a sad movie also help. When you shed tears when you are sad, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, and it affects the secretion of hormones, which improves mood and relieves stress. In other words, it helps to excrete emotions and purify emotions.

Tears shed for various reasons consist of 98% water, salt, fat, protein, and antibacterial substances. As a result, these ingredients can help maintain eye health by eliminating bacteria and external irritants that can adversely affect the eye. In addition, it not only keeps the eyeballs in a moist state, but also discharges wastes and supplies nutrients to various tissues of the eyeballs.

As a result, emotional tears are also ophthalmologically helpful tears and are beneficial to mental health. Excessive tears caused by depression are not good, but when you feel sad, let the tears flow freely without holding back.



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