Erdogan confirms Turkey’s ability to contribute to solving the grain crisis

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. added Erdogan He will discuss the matter with the two countries in the next few days.

explained Turkish President That his office works with Kyiv And Moscow To arrange calls with his counterparts there, noting that 20 Turkish ships are ready to participate in the potential shipments.

He continued: "After having conversations with my boss Ukraine And Russia, we can send wheat, barley, oats, sunflower oil and all shipments to the countries that need it by carrying out re-export through us.".

Erdogan pointed out that Turkish stocks of grain "in good shape" So far, as quoted "".

Ukraine is one of the world’s largest wheat exporters, but shipments have been halted due to the Russian military operation, causing a global food shortage.

Vanishdat United nations The two parties and their naval neighbor, Turkey, agreed to open a safe passage for these shipments to cross.

The first ship loaded with 7,000 tons of grain set sail from the Russian-controlled Ukrainian port of Berdyansk on Thursday, following a hiatus of several months.

The head of the administration of the pro-Russian region, Yevgeny Palitsky, said via "Telegram": "After a hiatus of several months, the first merchant ship left the Berdyansk commercial port, carrying seven thousand tons of grain to friendly countries."as quoted "AFP".

The Zaporozhye authorities announced on Tuesday that the explosions heard in the port of Berdyansk were caused by the detonation of sea mines, which have been disposed of, noting that the port will return to work soon as planned.

Agency quotes "Dice" Alexey Selivanov, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Zaporozhye Region, was quoted as saying that the mines removed from the port of Berdyansk might pose a danger to the city’s residents, so it was decided to detonate them immediately.

Economic experts and analysts believe that intense international efforts are currently underway to help Ukrainian grain trucks leave the outside world, to contribute to a solution. food crisis and lower Grain prices On top of it is wheat, which has risen significantly in recent times, considering that the sailing of the first ship carries a breakthrough for this crisis.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyhe said earlier this month, that there are "tough negotiations" Underway to lift the Russian blockade in Black Sea From Ukrainian ports, where millions of tons of grain cannot be exported.

With the outbreak of war last February, Ukrainian grain exports stopped, and shipments remained locked up in warehouses in Ukrainian ports overlooking the Black Sea. On the other hand, Russia complains of obstacles to its exports due to Western sanctions.


. added Erdogan He will discuss the matter with the two countries in the next few days.

explained Turkish President That his office works with Kyiv And Moscow To arrange calls with his counterparts there, noting that 20 Turkish ships are ready to participate in the potential shipments.

He continued, “After holding talks with my leader Ukraine And Russia, we can send wheat, barley, oats, sunflower oil and all shipments to countries that need them by carrying out re-exports through us.”

Erdogan indicated that Turkish grain stocks are “in good condition” so far, according to “”.

Ukraine is one of the world’s largest wheat exporters, but shipments have been halted due to the Russian military operation, causing a global food shortage.

Vanishdat United nations The two parties and their naval neighbor, Turkey, agreed to open a safe passage for these shipments to cross.

The first ship loaded with 7,000 tons of grain set sail from the Russian-controlled Ukrainian port of Berdyansk on Thursday, following a hiatus of several months.

The head of the administration of the pro-Russian region, Yevgeny Palitsky, said viaTelegram“After a hiatus of several months, the first merchant ship left the Berdyansk commercial port, carrying seven thousand tons of grain to friendly countries,” according to “AFP”.

The Zaporozhye authorities announced on Tuesday that the explosions heard in the port of Berdyansk were caused by the detonation of sea mines, which have been disposed of, noting that the port will return to work soon as planned.

The TASS news agency quoted Alexey Selivanov, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Zaporozhye Region, as saying that the mines removed from the port of Berdyansk might pose a danger to the city’s residents, so it was decided to detonate them immediately.

Economic experts and analysts believe that intense international efforts are currently underway to help Ukrainian grain trucks leave the outside world, to contribute to a solution. food crisis and lower Grain prices On top of it is wheat, which has risen significantly in recent times, considering that the sailing of the first ship carries a breakthrough for this crisis.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr ZelenskyEarlier this month, he said that “difficult negotiations” were underway to lift the Russian blockade in the country Black Sea From Ukrainian ports, where millions of tons of grain cannot be exported.

With the outbreak of war last February, Ukrainian grain exports stopped, and shipments remained locked up in warehouses in Ukrainian ports overlooking the Black Sea. On the other hand, Russia complains of obstacles to its exports due to Western sanctions.



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