6-year-old daughter Ragheb Alama sings in Jordan

The Lebanese singer Ragheb Alama performed a concert in Jordan as part of the activities of the fifth night of the “Fuheis Festival” in its 30th session, which is held under the slogan “Jordan is History and Civilization”. big.

During the concert, amid a great interaction from the audience, the artist, Ragheb Alama, stopped singing following he saw a girl interacting with him enthusiastically among the audience, so he invited her to go up to the stage, commenting: “In his sweet girlhood… she is excited and she sings with me the song… Come sing with me”, to go up The 6-year-old daughter, “Lian, 6” went to the stage, where the audience greeted her with great applause, and he remained interacting with the duet that she presented with her favorite artist to the tunes of the song “Fora Gram”, which she spontaneously chanted and Ragheb Alama was amazed that she memorized her words.



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