Explore the health business market after COVID-19 | Investing Science Investerest.co

A survey of the health business market following COVID-19

An epidemic of a severe and rapidly spreading virus like COVID-19 Make people around the world pay more attention to their own health. because the covid disease is just a little closer to us Or even many people have already been infected with this disease. An uncontrollable fear can change the question of taking care of yourself. The trend of health care following the outbreak focuses on prevention. and strengthen health always

To put it simply, the basic medical device, especially the one to protect one’s health, can be easily seen. Whether it is a mask, hand sanitizer, rubber gloves, and syringes that have increased sales This makes these products have a tendency to grow continuously.

However, the growth of medical devices is concentrated only in the products mentioned above. while other devices such as hospital equipment that must be administrated to the patient get less demand because it does not accept inpatients

from where many countries, including Thailand, are preparing for COVID-19 to endemic disease This has begun to see some easing of measures from time to time. We should see the market adjust as the situation changes. Tourists will start to come in once more. and the adjustment of the market that is not the same or that the drug products related to cough and cold began to grow because people start to go to school Therefore, there will be an adjustment of the market according to the situation that occurred following the start of the relaxation measures.

when people wear masks less will see the pattern of contagious diseases that are starting to change, so will affect the product category growing pharmaceutical products

The 3 healthcare trends that are emerging in the post-COVID era are:

  • Trends in the use of technology in medicine A system has been opened for people to access doctors online. There is a service to bring medicines to your home. Known as Teleheath, it uses digitalness to apply to patient care.
  • health protection trends because of the feeling of not wanting to take risks anymore Therefore, people have always turned their attention to keeping themselves healthy. Let the health check be a result that is not worrying. If there is an epidemic or the disease spreads once more, at least the body will at least adjust to a better condition than let it go to bad health. focusing on various dietary supplements
  • Finally, the regulations and measures of the state must change rapidly. during the past epidemic defensive response state What is in, adjust the policy accordingly But when it became a local disease All you have to do is plan. and adapt quickly

These three trends are health trends that come with longstanding responses to the COVID-19 epidemic, affecting people’s well-being and feeling insecure. for business people If you keep up with these trends It will help to know which direction of production of goods and services should be planned. for profit and the maximum benefit of operating results

Investing Science – Investerest

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Bangkokbiznews, looking at 3 health care trends following the Covid-19 crisis, referring to https://www.bangkokbiznews.com/social/997276
KSMEAnalysis, the trend of health love from Covid Opportunity to build a SME business, refer to https://www.kasikornbank.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/business/sme/knowledge/article/KSMEAnalysis/Healthtrend_SME/Healthtrend_SME.pdf
Bangkokbanksme, Covid 19, food supplement market jumps to more than 20 billion baht, according to https://www.bangkokbanksme.com/en/supplement-food-following-growth-covid-19

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