The government proposed to protect the Russian language from foreign words

The government submitted to the State Duma bill on the inadmissibility of using foreign words, with the exception of those that do not have commonly used analogues in the Russian language, as well as those contained in standard dictionaries. We are talking regarding areas in which the use of the state language is provided for by law.

The use of the Russian language is obligatory in the activities of public authorities, legal proceedings, , mass media production, film screenings in cinema halls, public performances of works of art and in other areas.

“The draft federal law assumes the inadmissibility of using foreign words, with the exception of those that do not have commonly used analogues in the Russian language, the list of which is contained in normative dictionaries. The specified draft norm is aimed at protecting the Russian language from the excessive use of foreign words, ”the explanatory note to the draft says.

It is argued that the adoption of the bill will increase the general level of literacy of citizens, the correct use of the state language, and will ensure control over the quality of the preparation of a “single corpus” of dictionaries and reference books.

According to the proposed amendments to the law “On the State Language”, the government determines the procedure for the formation and approval of normative dictionaries and reference books. The explanatory note states that the proposed changes emphasize the unifying role of the Russian language and expand the areas in which the use of the state language is mandatory.

Lusina Balasyan



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