Priscilla Vargas is a candidate for Reina de Viña: the pool only “complicates” her and she explained why

Priscilla Vargas wanted to bring up the message that came to her from a viewer on the social networks of Your day (Channel 13), while doing a swimsuit show in the studio.

That the ‘Pri’ try on bikinis and bathing suits, because I am sure that the Queen of Viña del Mar will come out”, declared the netizen named Javiera.

“We have a Queen!” declared dressmaker Nelson “Colombiano” Beltrán as he jumped in celebration.

However, the host of the morning put the cold cloths: “’Colombian’, to be queen of Viña, where do you have to be? In vineyard. And where will I be? I do not know. I’m going to be in Santiago”, hinting that there are still no plans to do the program on the coast.

However, before those words, they told him internally that the topic of traveling is still open: “Isn’t that closed? Do I still have a chance?

The pool

Anyway, “Colombiano” immediately promised to be his “generalissimo”, although she asked the team to “die with their boots on” if she is a candidate.

Then he asked before an eventual victory: “I want to know if that would include, for example, swimming pool”, because “it complicates me”. But she was equally willing to practice.

“You would look fantastic,” said “Colombiano” already thinking regarding what his outfit would be to jump into the pool.

In any case, she, before fantasizing, made it clear that “it does not depend on me, it depends on the people.”

“The campaign is gone”, sentence José Luis Repenning.

Relive the moment here



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