Hong Kong writer Xixi died of illness at the age of 85

According to a Hong Kong “Tuan Media” report, the writer Xixi passed away peacefully in the hospital this morning due to heart failure at the age of 85. Su Ye Workshop, which first published Xixi’s masterpiece “My City”, published an obituary saying: “Xixi lived a wonderful and happy life. , and it was beneficial and meaningful. We will all miss her.”

Su Ye Publishing House (Su Ye Workshop), which Xixi co-founded before his death, posted an obituary on Facebook: “Si Xi’s life was wonderful, enjoyable, beneficial, and meaningful. We will all miss her.” (Photo/Su Ye Workshop) Facebook)

Xixi, whose real name is Zhang Yan, was born in Shanghai in 1937 and settled in Hong Kong in 1950. She graduated from the Hong Kong Grantham Institute of Education (now the Education University of Hong Kong, the predecessor of the Institute of Education). Various. In 1983, “A Woman Like Me” won the “United Daily News” Fiction Award Recommendation Award, opening up a literary relationship with Taiwan. In 2005, he won the “Sin Chew Daily” “Hua Zang World Chinese Literature Award”. In 2011 He is the “Literary Writer of the Year” of the Hong Kong Book Fair, and won the “Newman Chinese Literature Award” in 2018.

Since 1974, Xixi has serialized her own story in Hong Kong, My City, which was named one of the top 100 Chinese novels of the 20th century by Asia Weekly. Sissi suffered from breast cancer and was admitted to the hospital. After recovering from surgery, her right hand failed due to sequelae, and she switched to writing with her left hand. In 1992, she published the book “Mourning Breasts”, reflecting on the physical and mental feelings of the disease, fully revealing the cause and effect of the disease, and at the same time setting off an intellectual facing cancer The sometimes real and illusory life experience was adapted into the movie “A Couple Born”; in order to recover her right hand, Xixi used handicrafts such as making miniature houses and furry bears to heal herself, and completed “My Georgia” and “Sew Bears” successively Waiting for books.

Xixi has been writing continuously, and completed the novel “Qin Tianjian” earlier this year, taking readers to witness the turning point when China may be able to keep pace with Western science. “History.

Taiwan’s current media “They Write on the Island” project has released a series of writer documentaries. In 2015, “My City” was directed by Hong Kong director Chen Guo. The devout figure of My City.



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