If you have a belly.. 5 foods that should be eaten for breakfast to lose weight

When we talk regarding losing Belly fat What we focus on is the visceral fat that collects around a person’s abdomen. It is known as the “dangerous” type of fat because it is located on the abdominal organs and can lead to diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A diet rich in protein and fiber has been linked to weight loss and a reduced risk of metabolic factors, here are the specific foods you should be eating in Breakfast To get a flat stomach, according to what was published by the site ” eatthis“.

1 – oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the best breakfast foods you can eat for a flat stomach. The fiber in oatmeal helps us feel full for longer because it is a slow carbohydrate, which means it provides energy but does not spike blood sugar.

2 – eggs

Eggs are another great way to start your day and work towards a flat stomach. In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, an egg breakfast combined with a calorie-reduced diet helped participants lose more weight than those who ate bagels for breakfast..

Eggs are a great source of complete protein, which will help balance your blood sugar response in the morning while also helping to maintain lean muscle mass to boost your metabolism.

3 – Protein shake

Your morning protein shake will help you gain a flat stomach by keeping your breakfast calories in check, and provide 20-30 grams of protein that the body needs for a proper metabolism, when you can add fruits and vegetables to your protein shake.

4- Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a convenient breakfast that is delicious, fun to eat, and high in protein. Research has shown that those who regularly consume Greek yogurt actually tend to weigh less.

5- Sausage, turkey or chicken

Getting high-quality protein in your morning meal is important for weight loss, especially around the stomach area. Research shows that eating a high-protein diet can help fill you up and increase feelings of fullness. Studies have also demonstrated the relationship between protein quality and central abdominal fat management. (CAF) For some extra protein at breakfast, try sausage, chicken, or turkey.



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