SPD boss in “ntv early start”: Scholz in “close talks” about “Leopard 2” delivery

SPD leader in “ntv early start”
Scholz in “close talks” regarding “Leopard 2” delivery

On the question of whether Germany will supply Ukraine with Leopard 2 battle tanks, a decision is apparently approaching: In an interview with ntv, SPD chairwoman Esken says that Chancellor Scholz is holding talks with partner countries on this. Esken jumps to the side of the Secretary of Defense.

After the French government announced the delivery of light battle tanks to Ukraine, SPD party leader Saskia Esken has not ruled out the delivery of German “Leopard 2” tanks. In the ntv program “Frühstart” Esken said: “The Chancellor is in close talks with special partners and friends and that will continue to be the case. And then we will make the appropriate decisions.” Scholz had always emphasized that he only wanted to supply heavy weapons to the country attacked by Russia in close coordination with NATO partners. Demands for the delivery of the modern German tanks had been raised repeatedly both from the ranks of the opposition Union parties and from the coalition factions of the FDP and the Greens.

The federal government has supported Ukraine from the start with arms deliveries, said Esken. “We will continue to do so in the future, for as long as it is necessary and also in accordance with military developments and the needs.”

Esken defends Secretary of Defense

In view of the repeated criticism of Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht, Esken expressed support for her party colleague: “Minister Lambrecht has taken on a difficult task.” And further: “After so many years of savings in the Bundeswehr, procurement measures must now be implemented, procurement must also be changed, the Bundeswehr must be restructured.” She is “very confident” that Lambrecht “will continue to make good progress there” and is “completely behind her”. Esken underscored: “Due to Putin’s attack on Ukraine, we clearly recognized that we have to catch up in national and collective defense.”

With her New Year’s Eve video, which was distributed via Instagram at the weekend, Lambrecht had once once more attracted great criticism. In it, she takes stock of the year 2022, which was shaped by the war in Ukraine, but her words are repeatedly lost in the whistling of New Year’s Eve rockets and exploding firecrackers. There are calls for the Union to step down. It is awaited with interest whether and how the SPD parliamentary group will address the minister at their annual meeting next week.



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