A popular Ramadan drink that causes high blood pressure and is dangerous for heart and kidney patients • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Egyptian Medicines Authority warned once morest excessive consumption of the famous Ramadan drink, “Arak licorice”.

And she confirmed in a post on her Facebook page, yesterday, Sunday, that eating licorice may cause serious side effects, including high blood pressure and low potassium levels, when taken in large quantities, or for long periods of time, which leads to irregular heartbeat. , and myopathy resulting from hypokalemia, as well as an increased level of sodium, which leads to high blood pressure, and swelling.

She added that the effects of licorice on potassium and blood pressure are more dangerous for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney disease.​

Also, excessive consumption of licorice during pregnancy causes premature birth and health problems in the child.​

While advising the need to exercise extreme caution for patients with high blood pressure, low potassium levels, and those who suffer from a disorder in the kidneys, or the heart, and blood vessels, or the simultaneous use of a drug that may lead to an imbalance in the levels of electrolytes (salts), such as diuretics, from consuming sweat. mites in large quantities.



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