“Today’s Weather Forecast: Heavy Rain Threatens Hokuriku and Chugoku Regions – Stay Safe and Alert”

2023-05-28 20:40:53

Today 29th, rain spreads southwards of the front, fear of heavy rain in Hokuriku and Chugoku region Beware of landslide disasters

May 29, 2023 05:40

On the 29th (Monday), the front will move southward near Honshu, and rain will spread widely from the southern Tohoku region to Kyushu. Especially in the Hokuriku and Chugoku regions facing the Sea of ​​Japan, there is a risk of heavy rain with localized heavy rain accompanied by thunder. Beware of landslide disasters, flooding of low-lying land, and flooding of rivers.

Heavy rain threatened in Hokuriku and Chugoku regions

Today, the 29th (Monday), the front extending from the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula to the Sea of ​​Japan is expected to move southward near Honshu. Warm, moist air will flow toward the front, destabilizing atmospheric conditions.

In Hokkaido, there are places where it will be cloudy until before noon, but it is expected to clear up gradually. Watch for showers on the eastern Pacific side by evening.

The rain in the northern part of Tohoku will gradually stop, and there will be places where the sun will shine from before noon. Widespread rain will fall in the south into the followingnoon.

It will rain intermittently from the Kanto to Kinki and Chugoku regions, with localized thunder and heavy rain that will make the roads look like rivers. In particular, in the Hokuriku and Chugoku regions, there is a risk of heavy rain exceeding 100 mm from tomorrow (Tuesday), and if rain clouds develop more than expected, there is a possibility of heavy rain at the warning level. Be careful and vigilant of landslides, flooding of low-lying land, and flooding of rivers.

Shikoku and Kyushu will also have rain over a wide area from around noon. It is likely that there will be a downpour of rain accompanied by thunder at night.

It’s raining in Okinawa, and the wind is getting stronger as the typhoon approaches. Coastal waters will be accompanied by swells. Beware of high waves, as the Sakishima Islands can be very stormy.

Highest temperature Kanto Koshin is at the same level as late April

The highest temperature is likely to be lower than yesterday’s 28th (Sun) in many places. Hokkaido and northern Tohoku will be around 18℃, southern Tohoku, Hokuriku and Kanto Koshin will be around 20℃, and Tokai to Kyushu will be around 25℃.

Most places are below average, and Kanto Koshin is expected to be on par with late April. In contrast to the hot and humid weather, you will need something to put on even during the day. Please adjust your clothes well and be careful not to lose your physical condition.

What is heavy rain

On the 29th (Monday), localized heavy rain accompanied by thunder will fall from Hokuriku and Kanto to Shikoku.
Heavy rain refers to rain with an hourly rainfall of 30 mm or more and less than 50 mm. This is an image of falling like an upside down bucket. In addition, even with an umbrella, regarding half of the people sleeping inside a wooden house notice the rain. Outside, the road becomes like a river, and cars running on the highway may experience “hydroplaning,” a phenomenon in which a film of water forms between the tires and the road surface, making the brakes inoperable.

In places where heavy rain is expected, it is possible to cause landslide disasters, flooding of low-lying land, and swelling and flooding of rivers, so caution is required.

Dangerous place during heavy rain

When it rains heavily in a short period of time, roads and irrigation canals can flood in an instant.

Even rivers and irrigation channels that are normally slow-flowing can swell and flow faster due to heavy rain. In flooded irrigation canals, the boundary between the road and the road is lost, and you may get tripped up. Please keep away from them.

Also, on roads that pass through low places such as underpasses, if the car is submerged in water, the water pressure may prevent the door from opening. When driving, try to avoid roads that pass through low places as much as possible.

You never know when steep slopes such as mountains will collapse due to heavy rain. Stay away from steep slopes and cliffs.

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