Workshops on Physical Health for Older Adults: Empowering the Elderly in the State of Mexico

2023-06-29 22:12:52

Brigade members give workshops to older adults on physical health

Mexican brigade members gave workshops on the importance of the physical health of the elderly

With the aim of promoting care for the elderly in the State of Mexico, the Multidisciplinary Brigade of the Ministry of Social Development held informative workshops on the importance of health.

Said brigade went to Melchor Ocampo, where they explained that their visits are part of the work they do in order to provide the necessary theoretical tools to achieve physical well-being.

At the beginning of the workshop, vital signs were taken (temperature, glucose, blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate, to all attendees, this in order to ensure that each person can perform the activities.

In the workshop, the existence of chronic diseases was explained to older adults, from which they are more vulnerable to suffering, since these develop more frequently during the elderly, and their symptoms do not stop with the passage of time, only they can be controlled.

That is why in order to prevent or, in the worst case, treat these pathologies, it is necessary to maintain stability through the intake of medications, in addition to having a balanced diet, for which they were explained what it consists of and the importance of plate of good eating and the jug of good drinking.

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The brigade members stressed that the care of the elderly is a priority, and should begin as soon as possible, since it is the population most vulnerable to developing disabilities that make them lose their autonomy.

That is why it is essential to raise awareness regarding the importance of preserving your motor skills, doing this through physical activation and knowledge of the factors that can aggravate or impair your overall health.

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