Sino-Burkinabè cooperation: Chinese government scholarships 2023-2024

2023-08-08 14:51:29

On August 1, 2023, HE Mr. LU Shan, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, presided over the ceremony of handing over the admissions letters to the 15 Burkinabè students who obtained the Chinese government scholarship launched during the academic year 2023- 2024. This ceremony was marked by the presence of Dr. Christelle NADEMBEGA, director of international relations and the promotion of teachers at Joseph KI-ZERBO University and representatives of Burkinabe youth.

HE Mr. LU Shan sent his warm congratulations to all the scholarship recipients in these terms: “This is one of the proofs that the Sino-Burkinabè cooperation is doing well and is gradually flourishing. The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Burkina Faso is committed to facilitating youth exchanges and deepening educational cooperation. I hope everyone will succeed in their studies, become future ambassadors in Sino-Burkinabe friendship and contribute to the development of our two countries.”
Mr. SANON W. Max, representative of scholarship students, did not fail to thank the Chinese government for this support vis-à-vis Burkinabe youth. “We make the solemn commitment to be brave patriotic students aware of their educational missions on Chinese soil, and above all committed to the interest of promoting Sino-Burkinabè cooperation, with a view to building closer ties forever strong.” He maintains that this scholarship is an opportunity for them to acquire the know-how and it is the beginning of a new life for him.
For 5 years, more than 180 Burkinabè students in total have benefited from the Chinese government scholarship to study in China.

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