Protecting the Palestinian Cause: Egypt Rejects Israeli Plan to Displace Gaza Residents

2023-10-10 19:44:17

The Egyptian military and strategic expert, Major General Samir Farag, affirmed the Egyptian government and people’s rejection of any Israeli plan aimed at displacing the residents of the Gaza Strip to the Sinai Peninsula, noting Egypt’s firm position in support of the cause of the Palestinian people who adhere to their rights and land.

Faraj said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, “It is not the first time this issue has been raised. It has been raised before, especially during the era of former President Mohamed Morsi (…) and the media at the time referred to an American-Israeli agreement to disperse the people of Gaza, because The people of Gaza are a time bomb for the Israeli administration, and following Morsi’s departure, this matter was rejected popularly, officially, and by the armed forces, and we all refuse to empty Gaza of the Palestinian people into Sinai.”

The strategic military expert added, saying, “Displacing the population of Gaza means aborting the Palestinian cause, and we believe that the Palestinians should remain in their land and defend it to the last drop. This is not an evasion of responsibility, as Egypt is the first country to bear the Palestinian cause since the time of President Abdel Nasser, who introduced the Palestine Liberation Organization.” And Yasser Arafat to all the world.”

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Major General Samir Farag said, “Egypt has endured a lot for the Palestinian cause, and Egypt has always been cooperative and sympathetic with the Palestinian people. But it will never accept the displacement of the Palestinians, because that would eliminate the Palestinian cause.”

In response to a question regarding what Egypt will do regarding the displacement scenario, he said, “We see that any move in this direction is a waste of the Palestinian cause, and Egypt will never be a land for liquidating the Palestinian cause and presence, as he is present on his land and defending it… Egypt completely and completely rejects the displacement of the Palestinians.” To Sinai.

Gaza Strip…in numbers

For his part, researcher in Israeli national security issues, Anan Wehbe, expressed his surprise at the promotion of the idea of ​​displacing Palestinians, saying: “I am surprised at the promotion of such talk, because it is far removed from what is happening in the political and military discourse in Israel. This is a proposal that we do not know where it came to the table from.” .

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He added, “The issue of displacement is not an Israeli strategic plan and is not an issue at the heart of conflict management now. The issue on the table for the Israelis is confronting a movement that carried out this major operation and is risking the lives of civilians in Gaza and the future of the Strip and risking the dignity of the Palestinian people following the terrorist operation it carried out.” .

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