Shortage of Medicines in Cuba: The Crisis and the Black Market Solution

2023-10-24 15:04:14

In the midst of the social crisis in Cuba, the shortage of medicines joins the absence of other pillars, such as good food or fuel, to keep transportation and electricity afloat in the nation. The crisis has caused Cuban doctors in several consultations to have no choice but to send their patients to the black market or to Revolico to obtain medicines.

For example, according to a Rights Observatory on the island, Orlando Beatón, a diabetic patient with nephrotic syndrome, a kidney disease, does not receive adequate care in a Guantanamo hospital, because many of his medications are missing or the material has not arrived. premium to produce them on the island.

Beaton told, collect América Noticias, that the doctors told him to look on the black market or Revolico for the medications and supplies he needs for his treatment, because pharmacies currently do not cover his treatment.

Drug prices in Revolico and black market

According to the officials, through the Sancti Spiritus newspaper Escambray, not even 40 percent of basic medications can be guaranteed there. This situation is repeated throughout the country, where there is also a massive flight of health personnel. The National Office of Statistics and Information reported that some 12,000 Cuban doctors left the public health system in 2022.

Faced with this overwhelming reality, there is no choice but to turn to the black market or to Revolico, but at what price? For example, in Havana, this week they were selling imported medicines, mostly from the US, Russia, Mexico or Haiti.

According to this advertisement: a tube of triple antibiotic was 600 Cuban pesos, children’s ibuprofen was 600 pesos, clotrimazole cream was 500 pesos, a Metronidazole tablet was 450 Cuban pesos, benadrylin was 450 pesos, and so on up to a infinite list of medicines that are in short supply on the island.

When faced with an illness, there is no choice but to resort to these informal market sites, while the government continues to blame external factors for the lack of raw materials to produce medicines and supplies. All this, while in the first six months of 2023, four times more has been spent on hotels and restaurants than on public health.

#Medicines #Cuba #Revolico #price



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