Belgium Fireworks Ban and Safety Guidelines: New Year Celebrations 2022

2023-12-30 15:05:00

This Saturday, the province of East Flanders announced a ban on lighting until January 2 due to wind gusts of between 55 and 75 km/h according to forecasts from theRoyal Meteorological Institute.

“With winds of up to 75 km/h, the risk of accidents is particularly present when launching fireworks, especially by inexperienced people,” underlined the governor of the province Ms. Van Cauter. Shooting but also the simple possession of equipment is therefore prohibited. The measure was taken in consultation with the mayors and the security services.

In Brussels, the rule is more vague. The Brussels decree specifies that the transport, possession and use of fireworks in public use are prohibited, for safety reasons only. In other words: you can buy it but not leave the store… The decree does not prohibit its use in private spaces, such as gardens, etc. even if the firefighters strongly advise once morest it. “Go watch the City of Brussels’ professional fireworks display. Don’t pull it yourself,” says Siamu spokesperson Walter Derieuw. “This creates nuisance for the neighborhood, for domestic animals, it increases the risk of fire and it can be dangerous for the person setting off the fireworks.”

Fireworks, a real nuisance for animals

What regarding, also, the big fireworks display organized by the City of Brussels on the Place des Palais? According to the Brussels firefighters, it is not in question. “We expect winds of 30 – 40 km/h in Brussels,” continues Wallter Derieuw. “This will have no influence on the fireworks. In addition, these are large caliber fires. It would take a very strong gust of wind for this to present a danger.”

However, the firefighters will be present on Place des Palais, just in case. “The device is ready. Fire hoses are already deployed on Place des Palais. Our teams will be ready to respond in case anything goes wrong.”

Why doesn’t everyone celebrate the New Year
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