Meloni-Draghi, the strange couple for Europe –

Augusto Minzolini

On Wednesday, in front of the Montecitorio snack bar, while the debate is taking place in the chamber on the eve of the European Council, the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Luca Ciriani, takes stock of the major maneuvers preparing the nomination of the new president of the EU Commission ‘following the June elections. «In the meantime – he explains – we have positioned ourselves in a more central, less marginal position. If our group in the Strasbourg Parliament reaches 80 seats they cannot do without us. Then we’ll see what happens. For the Commission, the von der Leyen hypothesis needs to be verified. Dragons? Well, having a reference of this caliber in the European institutions would help us quite a bit as a country.” A “pragmatic” attitude might be defined as the government’s approach to the balance in Brussels, which is extremely important in a dramatic international phase with a thousand variables if we think of the war in Ukraine, the hypothesis of Trump’s return to the White House , to the Middle Eastern crisis and to an economic situation that is in many ways unpredictable. That Giorgia Meloni has a privileged relationship with Ursula von Der Leyen is no mystery. A cordial understanding that the current president of the Commission has paid for in his relations with the French president Macron and the German chancellor Scholz, so his appointment, which was considered certain, is no longer certain. This is why in addition to the “Ursula” idea, Italy must cultivate a reserve hypothesis. But which? And here the Draghi card comes into play. But not only. So we witness the game of couples Meloni-von der Leyen, Meloni-Draghi, Meloni who knows who else.

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The former prime minister and former governor of the ECB appears detached, but it is a role he would not mind. On the contrary. With his Milanese friends, journalists and professors, he defends himself: «The conditions are there, but it is impracticable. Other strong candidates are already in the field.” And already, Draghi is burned by the last race for the Quirinale, in which he entered as Pope and came out as Cardinal. His academic pessimism is captured in the words given by Mrs. Serenella to the «Foglio»: «Politics doesn’t love my husband. Politicians fear him. He won’t go to Europe.” Yet he doesn’t lack fans in Italy. The former minister and current CEO of Leonardo, Roberto Cingolani, would gloat: “It would be an exceptional coup for Italy.” There are many admirers among the reformists of the Democratic Party and in the central area. «It would be an excellent name – observes Renzian Davide Faraone – and it would put us in difficulty because we might only applaud. But Meloni won’t do it because she doesn’t have that maturity. Every time they talk to her regarding Draghi she suffers.” Indeed, politics regarding his name is divided. Like in the times of the Quirinale. He’s like Sora Camilla, everyone wants her, but no one takes her. There are those who caress regarding the idea and those who, however, are wary. In the centre-right he suffers from Salvini’s almost ideological aversion and enjoys Giorgetti’s esteem. Among the men of Meloni Ciriani is a possibility, while the group leader, Tommaso Foti, protagonist of epic clashes with Prime Minister Draghi, is not at all fascinated by the idea: «We – he says – would be fine with von der Leyen because it is more conveyable by Draghi. And then the People’s Party want one of their own as president of the Commission.” In short, the game is complicated.

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It would be easier to insert that prestigious name into the EU nomenklatura as president of the European Council, as successor to Charles Michel, but at that point the balance between the different souls of the Union would have to be carefully studied. Which are extremely complicated, a puzzle that must take into account the political orientation of the Strasbourg Parliament, the nationality, the position of the various governments. A true expert in these games is the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, who has thirty years of experience. «Von der Leyen – he explains – is the first name. The People’s Party will propose it but then we need to see what the heads of government will do. We must not forget that the last time Manfred Weber’s candidacy was torpedoed by Macron. And, in any case, the German People’s Party will play on von der Leyen’s name only for the role of Commission President. Dragons as a backup card? You’re of a certain age now…” So on the eve of the June vote the possible couples multiply, as in the minuet they go around in a circle and exchange each other. Exactly, Meloni-von der Leyn and, Meloni-Draghi, Meloni and… We are at the festival of fantasy. «For example – Forzista Alessandro Cattaneo throws it in there – why not Tajani? He has unrivaled experience in Europe and great relationships. He would have a 5-year mandate and as president of the Commission he would be a formidable resource for the country.” After all, if you aspire to lead the commission you have to cast names of this caliber. If you are satisfied with the simple position of Commissioner, however, there is no shortage of participants in the “casting”, with ministers Fitto and Giorgetti in the front row. But that’s a whole other story.

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#MeloniDraghi #strange #couple #Europe #Tempo
2024-03-25 11:20:37



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