A simple guide for friends and family about mental health

Mental health – as defined by the United Nations – is a state of well-being in which each individual is able to realize his own potential, adapt to normal situations of stress, work productively and usefully, and contribute to his community. To live a good life that is acceptable to himself, and in which he is compatible with those around him, without getting lost in depression, anxiety or any other psychological disorders.

Presented by Dr. Nabil Al-Qatt This book is entitled “Tales of Fatigue and Healing” about Dar Al-Mahrousa, to be a guide for anyone who wants to work in the field of general psychological assistance, or specialized psychotherapy. His family, relative or friend suffers from a psychological disorder, and it is important for parents to help them protect their sons and daughters from psychological problems, through early detection, and is useful for teachers to identify students who may have psychological problems, and for managers and human resources staff, to learn about the psychological aspects of some of their employees for an environment Better work.

The writer and psychiatrist Nabil Al-Qatt surprises us with a very shocking statistic. He says: “At the time you read this book, I know that one in four people living around you may suffer from a psychological disorder, and this person may be among your family members, neighbors, or live with you. In the same neighborhood, or with you in school, university, work or club, meaning that a hundred million people in the Arab world, and twenty million in Egyptian society, suffer from some kind of psychological disorder, and about half of them suffer from depression, and most of them do not receive specialized psychological care, especially if He was living in a society that lacked the basics of psychological care like ours.”

This guide or book, in four chapters, tells the story of psychological disorders from their beginning, their form, transformations, effects, and methods of treatment, to specialized and non-specialized help methods.

The first chapter entitled “An Introduction to Mental Disorders” begins with a general definition of the human brain, its chemistry and how it works, as well as specific types of defects that affect them and lead to specific types of mental disorders, in addition to describing the various brain functions and their relationship to thinking, feelings and behavior, with a presentation of the rates of prevalence of mental disorders in societies as a whole.

behavioral symptoms

This chapter is also concerned with how to identify mental disorders by explaining the apparent signs and symptoms whose presence indicates the possibility of psychological problems that may reach the degree of psychological disorder, which needs specialized help, and these symptoms are divided – according to what is followed in psychiatry – into symptoms Behavioral, intellectual, emotional and other symptoms.

In the second chapter entitled “The Guide to Mental Disorders,” we learn how to divide mental disorders, their categories, and their different types. The writer has adopted the division method contained in the Fifth American Guide to diagnose mental disorders as the most recent division, with a focus on how to identify each disorder, giving examples and mentioning Real-life cases to facilitate a realistic understanding of each disorder, and to help visualize it. Positive and negative potential outcomes for each disorder and methods of pharmacological and non-pharmacological intervention are indicated.

The second chapter also includes a simplified guide directed to family and friends that can be used to help confront psychological disorders, how they can help a mental patient, whether he is a friend, relative, or family member, as well as how to protect oneself from the possibility of those around him experiencing problems or being affected by the psychological state of the sufferer.

As for the third chapter, “the psychological interview”, it is directed to workers in the field of mental health, and is devoted to how the psychological interview works, and it is a very important technique for obtaining useful and important information for diagnosis and treatment. And how to diagnose it, and explains the fourth chapter «therapeutic interventions» and the most important three types of psychotropic drugs.

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