A specialist reveals the reasons for the spread of “mealybugs” in the Kingdom and ways to eradicate them • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The agricultural engineer, Mohamed Al-Fifi, shed light on the mealybug and its impact on agricultural crops, presenting some solutions to eradicate it.

Al-Fifi said, during an interview with Al-Ikhbariya channel: “An integrated program must be put in place to eliminate this insect. I can spray and others do not, so the insect will move back to my farm through my neighbor’s farm.”

He added: “Agriculture sprayed the trees before, but the insect returned to them once more and was clearly injured.”

Al-Fifi continued: “The farms must be cleaned because there are weeds on which this insect lives.”

He added, “The excess and dry branches must also be trimmed, the soil fertilized, and the irrigation taken care of, then sprayed with pesticides, in addition to mineral oil.”

He pointed out that this insect is transmitted by wind, as well as by birds and agricultural processes.

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