A star about to explode photographed by the James Webb Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Telescope has managed to capture images of a rare space phenomenon, the transformation of a star into a supernova 15,000 light years from Earth.

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The US space agency has released two photos showing a star it has named WR 124, a Wolf-Rayer type star.

This is a star that reaches a stage in its supernova transition where it briefly expels material around its core in the form of high-velocity wind before exploding, forming a supernova.

Matter thrown into space makes up the purple and red hues that can be seen in NASA photos.

This is the first time that this phenomenon has been captured in such detail, thanks to the James Webb telescope.

“The detailed images of WR 124 captured by Webb forever preserve a brief, turbulent moment of transformation and promise discoveries that will unravel the mysteries of cosmic dust,” NASA said in a statement.

These new images will allow NASA researchers to study the specificities of the cosmic dust projected by the star, taking advantage of the infrared sensor of the James Webb telescope.

“Stardust is integral to the workings of the universe. It helps stars form, bands together to form planets, and serves as a platform for molecules to form and stick together – including life on Earth.”

They will also allow us to learn more about the beginning of the history of the universe.

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