a white meat with various virtues.

Looking for a leaner, healthier option to red meat? Try the turkey! This white meat is packed with protein and has a mild flavor that pairs well with just about anything. Whether you’re looking for an easy weeknight meal or something special for Thanksgiving, turkey is a versatile option. Find out more in this article!

For most people, turkey is just a traditional holiday dish. Still, turkey is a versatile and healthy option that can be enjoyed in all seasons.

Turkey is low in fat and cholesterol.

Especially the turkey breast. For this reason, it is one of the healthiest meats. Its saturated fat content is too low, less than one gram per 100 gram serving.

By way of comparison, beef has 6 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams and lamb has 9 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams. It is also lower in calories per serving (100g) than other meats.

Men and women are advised to consume only 20g of total saturated fat per day as part of a healthy balanced diet. You should try not to eat too much saturated fat, as it can raise blood cholesterol levels, which can then increase the risk of heart disease.

Turkey breast meat is low in saturated fat, less than one gram of saturated fat per 100g serving. Turkey breast is therefore an excellent low-fat meal option!

Whether you want to vary your meals, lose weight or control your health, turkey is one of the optimal choices that will allow you to maintain your good shape and better cardiovascular health.

Turkey is high in protein.

Most people know that turkey is a good source of protein, but they might not know how beneficial it can be. For starters, turkey is a true source of lean protein, providing all the essential amino acids needed to maintain and build muscle tissue. Additionally, turkey is also a good source of B vitamins, which are essential for energy production and metabolism.

Finally, turkey is also a good source of selenium, a mineral that controls immune function. As you can see, turkey is not only a delicious holiday tradition, it’s also a nutritious food that can have a positive impact on your health. So what are you waiting for to introduce it into your regular diet?

Turkey has anti-cancer properties.

The aforementioned selenium is present at a value of 31 mcg in a 100 g serving of deboned turkey. This mineral is essential for the functioning of thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant protection systems and the immune system. Selenium is known for its function of protecting cells.

So, the most surprising benefit of turkey is its anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that one of the compounds in turkey, especially selenium, can help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Turkey boosts the mood.

Turkey has been credited with mood-boosting properties. It contains tryptophan, an amino acid considered essential for the body and precursor of serotonin. In turn, it is a neurotransmitter promoting the improvement of mood and appetite.

Tryptophan also contributes to the strengthening of the immune system, as a scientific study suggests. As it is present in strength among other amino acids in turkey. It therefore participates in the natural treatment of insomnia. It is therefore recommended for insomniacs or those who suffer from sleep disorders.

How to cook turkey properly to take advantage of its nutrients?

Cooking a turkey may seem like a daunting task, but by following these tricks, it can be easily accomplished.

First step is to provide 400 g of turkey per person.

It’s time to start preparing it for cooking.

First, remove the giblets and neck from the cavity. They can be saved and used to make sauce or stuffing, or they can be thrown away.

Then put in a bowl, salt and ginger powder, mix the two together, take a handful and massage the turkey from all sides until it is completely covered.

Then use cold water to rinse the turkey inside and out. Don’t forget to pat the skin dry with paper towel, as it will be crispier when cooked.

Now is the time to season the turkey.

You can choose whatever spice combination you prefer, but the basic seasonings are salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder. Once the turkey is seasoned, you can proceed to cooking.

Now is the time to place your turkey in the oven.

The best way to cook a turkey is to place it in an oven set at 160 degrees Celsius. The cooking time varies depending on the size of the turkey, but as a general rule, it takes about 15 minutes per 400 g. When the turkey is fully cooked, its internal temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

Remove the turkey from the oven and wait 30 minutes maximum before carving it. The cooking juices will thus have time to spread throughout the meat. This will result in a juicier and tastier turkey. Cooking a turkey doesn’t have to be complicated; with a little planning, you can easily whip up a delicious meal your family will enjoy.

Tips :

  • If you can, buy organic products. Organically raised turkeys have been humanely treated and are less likely to contain pesticides and herbicides.
  • Look for soft meat.
  • A turkey roast is well done when it is hot to the last drop.
  • Turkey dries out quickly, so don’t overcook it.
  • If you are marinating turkey meat, put it in the refrigerator as soon as you are done, as it is very heat sensitive.
  • Store turkey separately from gravy, stuffing or raw foods.
  • Refrigerated turkey will keep for a day or two. If already cooked, it will keep for about four days.
* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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