A woman is shocked by showing the consequences on her face of having used Botox for 20 years

In California, United States, a nurse showed through her social networks how her face is, after using Botox for 20 years and then stopping cosmetic procedures for at least 5 months.

I stopped using it in October, so it’s pretty much gone, but they notice I have no muscle movement because I haven’t used it in a long time. So now I’m basically rebuilding my muscles.” added the aesthetic nurse, stating that after accustoming her face to the treatment, she was now looking to recover the movements she could achieve when she did not have the neurotoxin.

For the nurse, there would be no major risks in the use of Botox, she could even take breaks from the treatment and according to her experience, the muscles could rearrange and strengthen, she stated that she had very few wrinkles and although they could get deeper with the time, this would not represent a contraindication.

“L“I’ve used since I was 35, now I’m 51 and haven’t had any more botox since September-October, I’m still smooth and smooth skin”, “Thank you for being honest about botox, I’ve never used it, I just want to age gracefully”, “the only reason I don’t use Botox is because of the pain”, “It is hard to believe that Botox has no visible effects on the body”, are some of the comments that the woman received in her publication.

Woman shows off her beard after saying goodbye to stereotypes

In what was collected by Daily Star, Coral Sánchez was honest when she said that from the age of nine she began to notice the appearance of facial hair beyond what was usual. For this reason, when he turned 12, he began to shave every day in an attempt to get rid of negative opinions or to become the center of attention for his condition.

The reason why Sánchez grows a beard in the proportions of the male gender is called hirsutism. According to the Merck Manual (a book that includes some pathologies and treatments), this consists of “excessive” hair growth in areas whose perception is more common in men; for example, moustache, shoulders, chest and back.

The development of her condition exacerbated her complexes until she met who is her partner today. For Sánchez, that person was “key” in making it easier to leave behind the comments and insecurities that time had fueled for years.

“I think I started shaving because it was what I had to do. He encouraged me to hide. I realized that other children made comments about my bushy sideburns, ”said the American, according to her review Daily Star. It was an odyssey that took years, since it was not enough to wax daily in the morning, since the growth did not stop and in the afternoon it reappeared.

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