Accurate Weather Forecast for Monday September 18, 2023: Stormy Showers, Floods, Rains, and More

2023-09-17 11:28:40

Here is the weather forecast established by the General Directorate of Meteorology for Monday September 18, 2023:

– Stormy showers in the southern provinces.

– Floods with local thunderstorms in the High and Middle Atlas, their eastern slopes and the eastern highlands.

– Scattered rains on the Rif.

– Misty formations or drizzle in the north of the Oriental.

– Local dust removal in the South and South-East.

– Quite strong wind gusts in the South and central coasts.

– Minimum temperatures of around 10/15°C in the Atlas and the Rif, 22/29°C in the far south of the country and 14/21°C elsewhere.

– Maximum temperatures falling in the South and North of the Oriental and increasing everywhere else.

– Beautiful to slightly rough seas in the Mediterranean, slightly rough to rough on the Strait and north of Larache and rough to rough elsewhere.

With MAP

#Weather #forecast #Monday #September

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