Adviser to the President for Health: Most of the infections in Egypt are currently with the Omicron mutator

Dr. Muhammad Awad Taj El-Din, Adviser to the President of the Republic for Health and Preventive Affairs, said that the vaccine Corona It gives some protection from the Corona virus, stressing that the main and primary goal of vaccines is to reduce severe cases and violent complications as a result of infection with the virus, but they do not prevent infection or infection with Corona.

The President’s advisor pointed out that the epidemiological situation in Egypt is witnessing an increase in infections, and most cases are infected with the Omicron mutant, and precautionary measures must be adhered to, especially wearing masks to prevent transmission of the virus.

Taj Al-Din added, in a telephone interview to the “Hadrat Al-Citizen” program with the media, Sayed Ali, that obtaining vaccinations does not prevent infection, and therefore follow all preventive and precautionary measures to avoid infection with the emerging virus, continuing: “Many people infected with Omicron believe that it is a seasonal flu, because all The symptoms between them are quite similar, and it is good that the lower respiratory tract infection rate is not affected by Omicron, because it affects the upper half of the respiratory system.”

The Adviser to the President of the Republic for Health and Preventive Affairs explained that all medicines and all vaccines that are used to deal with the Corona virus, are all registered as emergency registrations in the world and Egypt, adding: “Any medicine following it is downloaded, circulated and approved, even from the largest medical centers, does not cover all of society despite Experiment with different groups of people.

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Dr. Muhammad Awad Taj El-Din continued, that it is not necessary to take any medicine without a prescription and follow a doctor, especially since excessive use of medicines without consulting a doctor leads to great risks, adding: “Taking aspirin may lead to a fatal asthma allergy, and a specialist doctor must be consulted before taking it.” “.


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