Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Aspirin: Expert Insights and Recommendations

2023-12-18 13:33:09 Endowed with great properties, aspirin is the most used medicine in the world. “These actions are exceptional. It is an anti-inflammatory, a vascular protector. It is undoubtedly also an anti-cancer once morest colon cancer”, Dr. Christian Recchia recalled for Yahoo. Despite everything, it is important not to take it all at once. In … Read more

Link Between Daily Aspirin Use and Anemia in Adults Aged 65 and Over: Long-Term Study Findings

2023-06-21 16:13:12 Daily aspirin use and anemia may be linked. This is the conclusion of a long-term study on people aged 65 and over. You may also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen: how to choose? Painkillers are among the best-selling drugs in self-medication. But can we use them… A follow-up analysis of data … Read more

Dengue Fever Outbreak: Ministry of Public Health Issues Warning and Prevention Tips

2023-06-19 04:49:04 while ‘Ministry of Public Health’ (Moh.) issued a warning regarding ‘dengue fever’ Caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquito bites. especially in the rainy season to cause flooding in many areas which is a good breeding ground for Aedes mosquitoes by Dr. Opas Karkawinphong Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public … Read more

“The benefits and harms of aspirin: Expert advice from Dr. Alexander Myasnikov”

2023-05-28 14:09:20 Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Alexander Myasnikov revealed the benefits and harms of aspirin, and the most prominent category that you should take. He said, it is believed that aspirin affects inflammatory processes in the body, lowers temperature and thins the blood, and it should be prescribed to all patients at risk of complications from … Read more

“Stroke Prevention: The Importance of Using Uncoated Aspirin for Faster Relief – Advice from Cardiology Consultant Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr”

2023-05-21 04:55:11 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Cardiology consultant Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr gave important advice on the need to take an aspirin when a stroke occurs. Al-Nimr said in a tweet to him on his Twitter account: “At the beginning of the occurrence of a clot, it is recommended to use uncoated aspirin because it is faster to … Read more

Aspirin and Heart Attacks: Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr’s Expert Insights and Recommendations

2023-05-14 02:32:31 Al-Marsad Newspaper: A consultant cardiologist, Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, revealed the effect of aspirin on heart attacks. Al-Nimr said in a tweet to him on his Twitter account: “Chewing an uncoated 300 mg aspirin pill at the beginning of a heart attack reduces the complication rate by 20%.” Chewing an uncoated 300 mg aspirin … Read more

“Everything You Need to Know About Pneumonia Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment – Your Health Guide”

2023-04-26 17:00:00 Books – Hossam Al Shaqoury Wednesday, April 26, 2023 07:00 PM Prepare Pneumonia A very serious disease that can cause life-threatening complications, it is a lung condition where the lungs are affected in such a way that a person experiences shortness of breath and other complications. It leads to inflammation of the air … Read more

When taken daily, a recent study reveals a new surprise about “aspirin” that reduces a serious disease that kills women

Al-Marsad newspaper: A recent study revealed that taking a daily aspirin may make women less likely to develop common ovarian cancer. The results of the study indicated that frequent use of aspirin may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, regardless of a woman’s genetic susceptibility to infection, according to the British newspaper “The Sun”. The … Read more