Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Aspirin: Expert Insights and Recommendations

2023-12-18 13:33:09

Endowed with great properties, aspirin is the most used medicine in the world. “These actions are exceptional. It is an anti-inflammatory, a vascular protector. It is undoubtedly also an anti-cancer once morest colon cancer”, Dr. Christian Recchia recalled for Yahoo. Despite everything, it is important not to take it all at once. In fact, it is not trivial and its use must be regulated. “To the extent that this medicine has good press and is very easy to buy, aspirin, taken incorrectly with the wrong dosage, can kill you.”

Concretely, it can cause bleeding, gastritis, allergies or even inflammation, hence the importance of knowing the dosage appropriate for each use. “So, when you take aspirin at 50 or 75 milligrams, it acts as a vascular fluidifier which prevents the formation of micro-blood clots and therefore heart attacks.”

VIDEO – Health Notebook – Dr Christian Recchia: “To strengthen your immunity, there is a simple rule: the rule of the four S’s”

“A medicine that you must have at home”

On the other hand, when taken at 1000 milligrams, it acts as a major anti-inflammatory. Note that in case of fever, the recommended dose for an adult or a child weighing more than 50 kilos is 1 tablet of 500 milligrams to be renewed every 4 hours if necessary. Faced with this reality, Dr. Christian Recchia therefore emphasizes the importance, before each use, of seeking the advice of a medical advisor but also wishes to point out that this is a medication that must be kept at home.

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As a reminder, aspirin should not be used in certain situations. It is strongly recommended not to take it if you have a history of allergy to drugs in the same family or to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); in case of stomach or duodenal ulcer; in case of bleeding risk (during menstruation, predisposition to bleeding, etc.); in cases of severe liver failure; in case of severe renal failure; in case of heart failure not controlled by treatment. And finally, in pregnant women from the sixth month of pregnancy.

VIDEO – Can aspirin help fight breast cancer?

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