Preventing Dengue Fever Outbreaks: Urgent Measures for Temples, Schools, and Factories

2023-11-26 10:33:00 The Department of Disease Control warns temples, schools, and factories to get rid of “Aedes mosquito larvae” to prevent “dengue fever” for fear of spreading the disease during festivals such as Kathin, Pha Pha offering, and Loi Krathong. On November 26, Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Acting Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Said … Read more

Preventing HIV and STDs Among Youth: Department of Disease Control’s Initiatives and Services

2023-11-08 23:00:00 Thursday, November 9, 2023, 6:00 a.m. Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Department of Disease Control reveals the situation of HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases. The increase is increasing among youth. In 2022, it is estimated that there will be 9,230 new people infected with HIV, of whom almost half will be between the ages … Read more

Preventing Dengue Fever and Zika Virus: Tips from Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn

2023-10-25 23:00:00 Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Dengue fever cases have been found since the beginning of the year until now, with reports of cases increasing continuously. Illness is increasing in every age group. But the large group included children. School age to working age, age range 5-34 years, … Read more

COVID-19 Weekly Situation and Updates: Low Infection Rates, Increased Influenza, and Vaccination Progress

2023-09-25 04:29:00 The Department of Disease Control reports the weekly COVID-19 situation, indicating that data for the 38th week between 10-16 September 2023 had 234 new patients hospitalized, a daily average of 33 cases per day, accumulated sickness since the beginning of 2023. at 33,365 cases, while 106 cases were reported among seriously ill patients … Read more

Stay Informed about Monkeypox: A Surging Post-COVID-19 Epidemic and Children’s Risk

2023-09-11 05:19:55 After COVID-19 has passed But there is an epidemic that we still need to be careful of. “Monkeypox” which is a popular disease during this period. From the current news, Thai people are suffering from this disease and the number is increasing exponentially. And although it is still widespread among adults, children can … Read more

The Department of Disease Control: Tuberculosis Prevention, Treatment, and Support for Patients and Close Contacts

2023-09-11 06:54:00 The Department of Disease Control is coordinating with the family of “Jak Chawin” for further examination and treatment. After being sick with tuberculosis, he emphasized that it can be learned quickly, can be cured, and does not spread. It is estimated that 1 in 4 Thai people has already been infected. But you … Read more

Smallpox in Thailand: Rising Cases, HIV Co-Infections, and the Urgent Need for Treatment

2023-08-26 09:16:00 Keypoints: situationsmallpox apeThat has increased from regarding 1 year ago, there were more than 20 patients, but during June-July 2023 met hundreds of patients and co-infected with HIV, althoughsmallpox apeIt can be treated according to the symptoms and can be cured by itself. But the relationship that doesn’t know me, doesn’t know you … Read more

Emerging Contagious Disease in Thailand: Smallpox Cases on the Rise – Prevention and Early Symptoms

2023-07-05 04:29:37 According to the Department of Disease Control, smallpox is an emerging contagious disease in Thailand. The first patient was found in July 2022. Currently, there are 91 reported cases in Thailand and the trend continues to increase. In June 2023, 48 cases were found, 41 of them Thais, 7 foreigners, mostly living in … Read more