an attitude in contradiction with the emblem of his presidency

CHRONICLE — By affixing a cross of Lorraine to the emblem of his presidency, which to my knowledge none of his predecessors had done, Mr. Macron necessarily exposed himself to comparisons with General de Gaulle, his thought, its action, its methods of government or its relationship to the French people.

Since chance does things well, I find quite fortuitously notes taken about the “Memoirs of Hope”, written by the founder of the Fifth Republic after his departure from power on April 28, 1969, and I cannot resist not to use it today.

When he broaches the subject of his relationship with the French, more particularly through his televised speeches, which allow his contemporaries, I quote, to “meet” him, Charles de Gaulle writes that he must appear “quite animated and quite spontaneous to seize and retain the attention, without committing excessive gestures and inappropriate mimicry”. On this first point already, the current host of the Élysée can take the seed. Think, in particular, of the shots with a middle finger during his visit to the French West Indies in the fall of 2018, or his more recent number with McFly and Carlito!

See as well : Macron, young people and influencers: communication hits rock bottom

On the merits, de Gaulle sets out a real discourse of method, specific to the statesman placing the higher interest of the nation above all other considerations, but unsuited to the politician more concerned about his career than the good. common or unity of French women and men:

“Always, I speak to them much less about themselves than about France, continues de Gaulle. this or that of their particular interests, in short to use the old recipes of demagogy, I strive on the contrary to bring hearts and minds together on what is common to them, to make everyone feel that they belong to the same together, to arouse the national effort”.

To be careful not to “pitch” the French against each other, to “make them feel that they belong to the same group”, was the least of Mr. Macron’s worries when he unleashed the heavy artillery, and vulgar, towards five million French men and women reluctant to an injection that is neither safe nor effective, signifying them a status of sub-citizen although they have not broken any law, prohibiting them from access to certain places for failure to present a vaccination passport… which he had nevertheless sworn never to use for acts of ordinary life, such as going to the café, to the restaurant!

See as well : Vaccinated, unvaccinated, let us unite in the face of abjection!

Of course, there was no need to refer to General de Gaulle to pass a very severe judgment on a man who broke his word given to the country, and whose deliberate provocations and orchestrated outbursts are unworthy of the position presidential.

But, since the opportunity presents itself and he has placed his mandate under the aegis of the Cross of Lorraine, there is surely no question of depriving himself of reminding Mr. Macron of the writings of the first president of the Vᵉ Republic. These are all condemnations without appeal of his inappropriate judgments and remarks, made repeatedly towards this or that category of the population. How can a head of state ignore that each human being has his dignity and deserves consideration?

When it uses “the old recipes of demagoguery”, the “new world” certainly does not enhance the image of politics in the eyes of the French people.

Alain Tranchant, former departmental delegate of Gaullist movements, founding president of the Association for a referendum on the electoral law.

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