Angola participates in the meeting of G20 finance ministers – Jornal OPaís

Angola participates on the 28th and 29th of this month in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in the first meeting of Finance Ministers and Governors of the G20 Central Banks to analyze issues linked to the role of national experiences and international cooperation in economic policies

The Angolan delegation, led by the Minister of Finance, Vera Daves de Sousa, participates in the event as part of the rotating presidency of that organization by the Federative Republic of Brazil, in a year that concludes with the acceptance of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20.

The Angolan delegation includes the Secretary of State for the Budget, Juciene Cristina de Sousa, the deputy governor of the National Bank of Angola (BNA), Pedro Neto e Silva, and the director of the Office of Studies and International Relations, Patrício Neto, the who, since yesterday, participated in the second meeting of the deputy finance ministers and deputy governors of the G20 Central Banks, which prepares the ministerial meeting.

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will discuss issues linked to the role of national experiences and international economic policy cooperation in resolving inequality, prospects for global economic growth, inflation, employment and financial stability, international taxation for the century XXI and the multilateral and the role of global debt and finance for development. The work program also foresees the holding of an Africa-G20 ministerial meeting.

The Angolan delegation’s agenda also includes bilateral meetings at the level of the Minister of Finance, with her Brazilian counterpart, Fernando Haddad, and with the Undersecretary of the American Treasury Department, Jay Shambaugh, in order to address issues within the framework of bilateral cooperation and multilateral. Upon assuming the presidency of the organization, Brazil announced to invite eight non-member countries to participate in specialty meetings and summits of its work program, namely Angola, Egypt, Nigeria, Spain, Portugal, Norway, United Arab Emirates and Singapore, airing a realignment of Brazilian foreign policy with the agenda of other developing countries.

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