Benefit fraud and “monkeys” uncovered – 2024-05-12 02:54:08

In different ways, unsuspecting citizens were deceived in Kissamos, Chania and in various other regions of the country by two clever people, who posted advertisements for the sale of vehicles or called them pretending to be accountants under the pretext that they were entitled to a state allowance.

As revealed by the preliminary investigation carried out by the police officers of the Kissamos department, the perpetrators had convinced the victims to pay various sums of money into a bank account, either to buy the vehicle they were supposed to be selling, or to pay them the Market pass allowance. Then, they “withdrew” the money from bank branches.

The investigation uncovered four frauds that had been committed last February and verified the identity of two Greeks who are the beneficiaries of the bank accounts. A case was filed against them for fraud and complicity, which was forwarded to the public prosecutor of Protodiki Chania, but the preliminary investigation continues to determine if they are involved in other cases.

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#Benefit #fraud #monkeys #uncovered

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