Benefits of being alone and how to take advantage of it

Loneliness has always been conceived as something negative. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many had to learn – by force – to live with themselves and develop activities that helped make that time alone more bearable. 41% of adults who live alone, some 4 million Spaniards, say they do so not because they want to, but because they have no other choice, according to the ONCE Foundation.

The truth is that experts insist that spending time alone can benefit your social relationships, improve your confidence and self-esteem and know how to deal better with adverse situations.

However, in many people it causes the opposite effect: Emotional problems such as sadness are the most common, even generating the feeling that life is more gloomy and meaningless. To mitigate this and be able to enjoy solitude, there is a long list of activities that can be carried out:

Reflect. The hectic of day to day causes that we barely have time to think and reflect. Being alone, we can take the opportunity to focus more on ourselves, listen to ourselves and analyze our thoughts and our decisions.

Listen to music. If we fill our house with sound, we will feel less alone. In addition, music will improve our mood and a podcast can abstract us and expand our information on a topic that we like.

Rest. The routine can make us accustomed to a torrent of events that makes us not know how to rest and we are always under the obligation not to stop. You have to take advantage of those moments of solitude to know how to rest – not necessarily sleeping – and thus be able to perform better the next day and have a more rested mind.

Leaving home. A walk away from home will help us not to get overwhelmed by being alone, changing surroundings and getting distracted. Going out will also help to facilitate social relationships and understand that there are more people in the world. Lose yourself in the city or the countryside observing your surroundings.

File. A book is always a great ally. We will entertain ourselves, we will acculturate and we will feel how the hours fly by. Joining us in reading will help us not to feel alone and feel that we take advantage of our time.

Develop creativity. Solitude allows us to concentrate better and gives us the opportunity to unleash our creativity. Work alone

To meditate. Practicing mindfulness can be a great activity to develop when we are alone. This consists of focusing on what is being done in the present moment, without judging the experience or controlling our mind. One of the keys to carrying it out is to focus on our breathing, noticing how the air enters through the nose, fills the lungs and expels it through the mouth.

Do sport. Exercise is always good. A weekly routine in the gym, on the street or signing up for a specific sport can help us cope with loneliness at home and meet new people with whom we can make friends. In addition, after completing the exercise we will feel much better, more optimistic and fulfilled.

If, despite all this, we continue to feel panic, sadness or overwhelmed by being alone, it is advisable to ask for help. A psychologist will help us identify the problem and give us advice to deal with it.

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