Benz Racing reveals the reason for the breakup that Pat Napapa never knew.

2023-12-14 16:00:43

The sky after the rain is always bright. “Benz Racing” When they became special guests on the Club Friday Show, produced by CHANGE2018, the couple opened up about their lives and revealed their love in every nook and cranny of their hearts because they felt comfortable coming to sit and talk and tell stories here. The first thing that is scary is not people. But it’s your own thoughts.” This is a big lesson in the life of “Benz Racing” that he just discovered after being released from prison…

Ready to open up your heart that you’ve never told anyone. Pat never knew. Reason for termination What is the real thing??
Countdown time to prison It’s the most painful time… Nong Racing is still small. Hug a crying child Ready to reveal the moment when you get the freedom you’ve been waiting for your whole life. Come back, are we dreaming? What does “Benz Racing” expect from its beloved son, Nong Racing?? And there were a lot of people around cheering. Let the couple come back together as a family again. And does “Benz Racing” have a chance of getting back together with “Pat” again??

Are you starting to get used to living outside yet?

Benz Racing: Getting better every day. In terms of eating, we have already adjusted. The rest is in the matter of sleeping because we go to sleep with a lot of people and sleep with the light on all the time. Then one day we have to sleep alone in a dark place. Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night and the picture we were in is unfamiliar. accustomed Going inside has made me discover that the most frightening thing is not other people, but the most frightening thing I discovered is ourselves.

There is one thing that has never been said. I never told him, even Nong Pat didn’t know.

Benz Racing: Yes, during the time I was inside I couldn’t do anything. Whether it is the duty of a father, the duty of a husband

On that day, can you say that we love you?

Benz Racing: Yes.

But decided to step back from the relationship.
Benz Racing : If I really had to go to prison, I don’t know how many years I would have to serve. If we were stuck inside, he would have to come and sit. Can we stay? I want him to move on.

We thought this way ourselves without ever talking to him or telling him.
Benz Racing: Yes, I never told him. ……The day we had to go there, the child was still very small.
Benz Racing: Little Race was born in February. During that time, there was a case and we helped raise each other well because he was our first and only child. Every night before I go in, I know when the prenatal care is due and how many days I will have. We try to spend as much time as possible with the baby. Sometimes in the middle of the night we secretly hug our child to sleep and cry.

The day we know he has judged us, we are free.

Benz Racing: The court said that the defendant, myself, had been punished for more than the verdict and today the court will release him to go home. Tears flowed naturally. It was truly the day I had been waiting for my whole life. Everything was over.

It escapes everything to the point where when you come out you still tell yourself if it was a dream or not.
Benz Racing: Yes, that’s right.

What do you expect from Nong Racing? Could he be someone who likes speed like his father?
Benz Racing: I answer this one without thinking at all. I don’t want him to ride like me if he were to have an accident and fall disabled and die. The heart of a parent is unacceptable.

Are you happy to come out and see Racing grow up to be a lovely child? Pat is very good at raising children. He lets his children live with people. He’s not afraid of brave, strong people, and he can act in drama.

Benz Racing: Well done, I’m proud of my son because I’ve seen opportunities on television where commercials come in. We couldn’t help but smile and we said we were proud of our son.

People around you must use the word “cheer” to return to being a family again. How does Benz himself view this matter?

Benz Racing : We can’t cut each other apart…..

“Benz Racing” is ready to open up completely in an angle that many people still don’t know on the Club Friday Show on Saturday, December 16 at 11:00 a.m. on Channel One31.

#Benz #Racing #reveals #reason #breakup #Pat #Napapa #knew

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