“British Conservative MP found naked in brothel – fears Russian/Chinese agents in beauty trap”

2023-05-28 01:44:00

▲A British Conservative MP woke up a few days ago and found himself naked in a brothel. He was so frightened that he called his colleagues for help. (Schematic / PIXABAY)

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British media disclosed that a member of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom called his colleagues for help in the early hours of the morning, saying that he did not know why he was in a brothel, and he could not even find his clothes, which sparked discussion. It is reported that the congressman worried that he might be targeted by Russian or Chinese agents and become a victim of a beauty trap.

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according to“Daily Mail”According to reports, a British Conservative MP called a colleague for help at 4:00 a.m., “I’m in a brothel, I don’t know how I got here, I can’t find my clothes.”

In response, a Conservative Party source confirmed the incident but kept the MP’s identity tight-lipped. It is understood the MP believed his drink had been drugged because he could not remember how he got there and feared he would be targeted by Russian or Chinese agents as a victim of a beauty trap.

This incident triggered wild speculation in the House of Commons about the identity of the MPs. The congressman was genuinely confused about how he got there, according to people familiar with the matter.

The report pointed out that recently, senior figures in the party have expressed confusion about the beauty trap. One of them mentioned, “I can’t think of anything useful that he can tell the Russians or the Chinese.”

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Members of Congress were also advised last week to remove email functionality from their phones because of threats from Russian hackers, although many resisted. It comes after the NSA has privately warned that rising international tensions with countries including China and Russia could lead to the targeting of certain lawmakers.

further reading
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