British Post is under electronic attack » Iraqi News Agency

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Today, Wednesday, Western media confirmed that the British Postal Service had been subjected to a temporary cyberattack.

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And the Associated Press reported, on Wednesday evening, that the British Postal Service had suffered an electronic accident, earlier in the day, that prevented it from sending letters or parcels to other countries, temporarily.
The agency quoted the “Royal Mail” or the British Royal Mail Service as saying that the international outgoing services had suffered or suffered severe disruption in their services, without providing further details.
And “Royal Mail” stated that it was temporarily unable to send items to external destinations, at a time when it recommended that its customers keep the mail to be sent outside the country in parallel with the British Royal Postal Service’s attempt to work to solve the problem.
The British service indicated that a number of customers may experience downtime or service delays for items that have already been shipped to the exporter.
The agency quoted the British National Center for Electronic Security as having knowledge of an incident involving the British Royal Mail service to an electronic attack, and that it is working with the “Royal Mail” and the National Crime Agency to research and fully understand the impact of this on the postal service.
In the same context, “Royal Mail” services indicated that its services for incoming mail to the country operate with slight delays.

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