Cali health authorities ask to be alert to possible symptoms of monkeypox

After the pronouncement of the World Health Organization, WHO, to declare monkeypox as a global health emergency, the Ministry of Health of Cali called on the community to be alert to possible symptoms, even when the city does not positive or suspected cases have been recorded.

Miyerlandi Torres, Secretary of Health, explained that “it is important that a person if they present symptoms such as joint pain, skin rashes, weakness, headache, swollen glands and fever of more than 38 ° C, it is best to isolate yourself. for 20 days and take the treatment”.

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“In case of presenting some type of complication, the recommendation is that you resort to health services such as the EPS and IPS of the city,” added the official.

According to Torres, given the alert for this virus, training has been provided to all medical and health personnel in the city, so that possible cases can be identified, although there are still no reports in the region.

Likewise, the Secretariat’s epidemiology group noted that the disease is transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or by eating undercooked meat from an infected animal.

In this sense, and taking into account recent studies, an infected person can infect another while they have symptoms, usually between 2 and 4 weeks. The virus is also spread through direct contact with infected personal items.

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In addition, Miyerlandi Torres explained that “a pregnant woman can infect her fetus through the placenta, so she must be very attentive to the symptoms.”

For the Secretariat, it is important to make a call to the community with a view to taking the corresponding measures within the framework of the events that will take place in the city during the coming months, so that, in the event of any symptoms, people remain in isolation in their respective homes.

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, clarified, for his part, that this “is a disease that has been characterized in this last appearance by its low lethality, below 0.03%, and is relatively low in contagion, if one compares it with covid-19, for example, it is less contagious and less severe, therefore, it does not represent a threat of the dimension of covid, but there is evidence that in several European countries there is community transmission, as well as in the United States, Brazil and Peru.

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Until yesterday, 11 cases have been confirmed in Colombia, of which 10 originated outside the country. This means that we are in the containment stage, that is, prevention of the virus.

According to Ruiz, control is being exercised with Migration Colombia so that people who enter the country report if they have been in contact with an infected person, or if they have symptoms, so that, if necessary, the protocol of isolation.

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