Chavismo expressed its support for Maduro in Plaza Altamira

Chavismo expressed its support for Maduro in Plaza Altamira
Chavismo expressed its support for Maduro in Plaza Altamira (EFE)

Chavismo crossed Plaza Altamira this Saturday in a demonstration, the great bastion of opposition protests in the capital, in a march that replicated another called by opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

The chavismo scene, unthinkable until recently, was led by deputy Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, who held a Venezuelan flag while his supporters stopped to take photos or look at the obelisk that adorns the place, officially known as France Square.

The demonstration took place in a festive and joyful tone, not far from the point where Guaidó summoned his own, the Plaza Bolívar in Chacao.

The municipality of Chacao is one of the five that make up Caracas, it has been governed by the opposition since its creation in 1992 and had Leopoldo López as mayor between 2000 and 2008.

It has also been the epicenter of the protests against the different governments of Chavismo and is a symbol of the opposition that, in other moments of tension, was untouchable for an official demonstration.

One of the attendees who crossed the square, Leonardo Chávez, explained to Efe that today he went out to march “in support of President Nicolás Maduro” and because “the revolutionary youth came to defend their rights.”

«Today, we come as revolutionary youth to march and we are in favor of the revolution and socialism. We are the majority and we need to ensure that things are done as they have been done recently, in the most appropriate way », he explained.

The official demonstration began earlier than Guaidó’s concentration in the popular neighborhood of Petare, which marks the eastern limit of Caracas, and is scheduled to end in the center of the city.

As he passed, he did not coincide with the opposition, since it ended before they reached Plaza Altamira.

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