Complete Guide to Health: Understanding and Managing Shingles

2023-10-23 15:00:00
Giessen general guide to health

The varicella-zoster virus, which causes shingles, lies dormant in most people over 60, but also affects younger people. The outbreak often comes as a surprise. The long-term consequences can be painful for years.

Shingles only affects very elderly people weakened immune system – this misconception persists, says the Munich infectiologist Dr. Markus Frühwein. “But it’s not true, shingles can affect anyone who has ever had chickenpox,” he warns. The long-term effects of the disease can be very painful and last for years.

“One in two people over 80 today will get shingles,” warns Dr. Markus Frühwein

The risk of developing shingles is high – and increases significantly with age from 60 years onwards, explains Dr. Early wine. In numbers: More than 95 percent of people over 60 carry the virus after previously having chickenpox. Its pathogen, the varicella-zoster virus, can lie dormant in the nerve nodes of the spinal cord for decades, explains Dr. Frühwein: “Our immune system is usually very successful at keeping the virus in check.” An acute illness, Stress, but above all an age-related decline in the immune system can cause the virus to trigger shingles. Statistically speaking, this happens to one in three people in their lifetime. Since the risk increases with age, one in two people over 80 years old will become ill, warns Dr. Early wine.

The doctor was ill himself: “An unpleasant and very painful experience”

Dr. explains the dangers of shingles. Markus Frühwein, infectious disease specialist with his own practice in Munich. © Practice Markus Frühwein

And says that shingles also hit him completely by surprise three years ago: “It was a very unpleasant and painful experience!” For him The shingles that he got on his face announced itself, caused by severe headaches and temple pains, he says. “I was given high doses of painkillers and infusion therapy, and it took two weeks for me to get rid of the shingles again,” remembers Dr. Early wine. He was lucky because he didn’t experience any nerve pain after the illness – unlike many of those affected.

30 percent of those affected suffer from painful long-term effects of shingles for a long time

About 30 percent of all Shingles-Patients continue to suffer from such post-herpetic neuralgia for months or even years. This is sometimes very severe nerve pain that comes in waves. In order to prevent severe progression, complications and long-term consequences, it is important to diagnose shingles quickly and treat it within the therapeutic window of 72 hours, says Dr. Early wine. Otherwise, more and more inflammation can build up. Redness, swelling, pain and blistering increase and damage the tissue and nerves. Serious complications are also possible; shingles in the eye can lead to blindness.

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The vaccination is recommended from age 60 or from age 50 if you have a previous illness

Today there is a very effective vaccine against shingles. Dr. Frühwein advises following the recommendations of the Standing Vaccination Commission (StiKo). She recommends vaccination for all people aged 60 and over. People with previous illnesses should get vaccinated from the age of 50. Dr. Frühwein: “With shingles, not only is the disease itself painful, but also the long-term consequences, which often lead to a major loss of quality of life.” And you should also take this opportunity to check whether you have all the other important vaccinations. Whether you should refresh a vaccination: You will find one attached Overview of at what age you need to see which doctor.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.

This article was created using machine assistance and was carefully reviewed by editor Susanne Sasse before publication.

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