Destruction of Neurons in the Waking State: Understanding Narcolepsy Type 1 and Potential Treatment Options

2023-08-30 10:35:06

The destruction of neurons involved in the waking state

In concrete terms, how does that work ? Narcolepsy type 1 is an autoimmune disease whose symptoms are caused by the destruction of neurons which synthesize orexin, also called hypocretin, this neurotransmitter which stimulates and maintains wakefulness. In these patients, “nearly 80,000 of these neurons of the hypothalamus are destroyed”, notes Inserm. It is therefore impossible for them to maintain the waking state. The TAK-994 molecule is an orexin 2 receptor agonist “which acts as a key similar to orexin and therefore has the same effects on the body”.

The phase 2 clinical trial had to be stopped prematurely, after eight weeks, because of hepatic side effects. But the research team is already working on an agonist “with a greater affinity for the orexin 2 receptor, and which would therefore have fewer side effects”, assures Yves Dauvilliers. The treatment could thus soon be available.

Until then, the specialist notes the importance of early diagnosis. “Today on average it takes 8 years to diagnose narcolepsy, and only 1/3 of patients have a diagnosis, it’s really too little”.

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