Discover the Future of Music Streaming with Spotify’s New Superpremium Subscriptions: Enjoy Lossless Audio, AI-Generated Playlists, and More!

2023-10-09 05:18:26
An iphone 11 screen showing spotify icon with beats earphone, perfect for listening music on the go Lossless audio streaming seems to be standard on large mainstream platforms: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Tidal, and even KKBOX and MOOV also have it, but Spotify has been only hearing the sound of the stairs. Finally, app engineer Chris Messina found the still-unannounced “Superpremium” subscription service in Spotify’s app code. TechCrunch quoted its content as saying that it will include 24-bit lossless streaming, as well as playlists generated with the help of AI. Advanced mixing tools, and 20~30 hours of audiobook time. App engineer Chris Messina found the yet-to-be-announced “Superpremium” subscription service content in Spotify’s app code. This new “Superpremium” seems to be on the horizon, because the shiny new logo is ready and has already been launched. Some Reddit users also reported that they found a new $20 monthly subscription in Spotify’s code. I believe they believe in this “Superpremium”. As for the Spotify Hi-Fi brand that I have been talking about, it seems to have been replaced by this. We can see clues in Spotify’s past Q2 quarterly report Q&A. CEO Daniel Ek said at the time that Hi-Fi still has a certain value to them, but it will be a tool to further add value to their services, so he may be talking about this. “Superpremium” includes lossless sound quality and other features that ordinary users can benefit from.
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